Quiche Lorraine

Quiche Lorraine
First attempt turned out good

Monday, May 10, 2010

Grilled Fruit Kebabs

1/2 Cantaloupe
1/4 Honeydew
1/2 Pineapple
8 Strawberries
2 oz. brown sugar
4 fl. oz. lime juice
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon

1. Remove the rind and cut the melons and pineapple into 1 inch cubes. Hull the strawberries and leave them whole.

2. To make sugar glaze combine sugar, lime juice and cinnamon, stirring until the sugar dissolves.

3. Heat the grill and clean thoroughly.

4. thread fruit onto skewers, alternating colors for attractive appearance.

5. Brush fruit with the sugar glaze. Grill, rotating frequently to develop an even light brown surface.

6. Serve immediately.

1 comment:

prestwichkm said...

I figured since I was adding grill recipes i would add this one.